A lot of people get into basic photography, but they don’t know how to make it work. They try to learn advanced techniques straight away when they’re just starting out, and they end up getting frustrated and giving up. In this blog post, I’m going to explain the basics that every beginner photographer needs to learn.
Learn About Composition
Composition is one of the most important aspects of basic photography techniques. It’s what separates a good photo from an average one, and it can make or break your image. Composition refers to how you arrange elements within your frame so they create balance, harmony, and visual interest.
Compositional techniques include:
- Leading lines (e.g., horizon lines)
- Rule of thirds (e.g., dividing the frame into nine equal parts)
- Diagonals (e.g., lines that cut across the image at an angle)
All these techniques help draw viewers into your image by creating visual pathways through which they may follow while exploring its contents further, much like walking through a maze would lead you from room to room until finally exiting out onto another side entirely!
Learn About Lighting
Lighting is the most important part of basic photography techniques. If you want your pictures to look good, learn how to use natural light. When shooting outside or in a studio, you need to pay attention to where the sun is coming from and where it’s going (or not going).
When using natural light:
- Use open shade whenever possible, this means that there are no trees or buildings blocking out sunlight on your subject matter. Open shade gives you soft even lighting without harsh shadows or bright spots on your subject matter.
- Use reflectors if necessary, if there isn’t enough open shade available for your shoot, consider bringing along an inexpensive white foam board as a reflector so that more light hits the subject from different angles rather than just one source point like direct sunlight would provide. This will help fill out any dark areas around their face or body by bouncing some additional illumination off their skin tone instead!
Take Care Of Your Gear
- Take care of your gear.
- Use a camera bag.
- Don’t leave your camera in the car, especially if it has a window that can be opened by someone who wants to steal it.
- Don’t leave your camera on the beach, where saltwater will destroy the lens over time (and possibly damage other components).
- Don’t leave it on a table or anywhere else where people might bump into it, especially if you’re using an expensive SLR with an interchangeable lens system!
Watch Out For The Rule Of Thirds
The rule of thirds is a good rule to follow. It helps you achieve better composition and make sure your images are balanced. The idea behind this rule is that you divide your frame into thirds both vertically and horizontally, then place points of interest along those lines. This can be done by imagining two horizontal lines running across your camera’s viewfinder (or screen) with two vertical lines intersecting them at right angles, like so:
This means that if you want to place an object in the center of an image, then place it on one of these intersections instead!
Keep To The Basics But Try New Things
The best way to learn photography is by practicing. The more you shoot, the better you’ll get at it and the more comfortable you’ll be with your camera.
You should also keep in mind that there are no shortcuts when it comes to learning anything new–including photography! You can’t just buy a fancy lens or a fancy camera and expect that they will make you into an instant expert; only hard work will achieve this goal.
Now that you know some basic photography techniques, it’s time to put them into practice! Remember that there are no rules in photography and experimenting with new things is always encouraged. If you’re not sure where to start or what kind of equipment might work best for your needs, check out our guides on how to choose the right camera for beginners and what type of lens should go with it.